At The Gala

The painting Elisabeth Moss at the gala du procès des sorcières represents a classic theatre where the inquisitorial court of justice is mocked by the defendants themselves, who are literally flying over it on their broomsticks.
Handmaidens inspired by the famous television adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s novel are portrayed in this painting as spectators of a dystopic performance by Cancan dancers and anthropomorphized penises.
In the foreground, we recognize the unique face of the actress playing the heroine, Elisabeth Moss.
The title, mixing French and English and inscribed on the canvas itself, dialogues with the pseudo-Latin aphorisms found in this totalitarian universe.
The famous phrase “NOLITE TE BASTARDES CORBORUNDORUM” (don’t let these bastards destroy you) was adapted to the French context by Sylviane Rue as “NOLITE TE SALOPARDES EXTERMINATORUM”.
Having in mind the politically turbulent and intolerant Polish context, Adam Adach turned it into “NOLI TE HUYES IMPERATORES EXTERMINATORUŃ”. He uses this version in several works.
“Noli illegitimis non carborundorum” was also used by the British Army Intelligence in WWII.